Nearly 40,000 Vietnamese civil servants quit their jobs in more than two years

The ambulance took patient F0 from concentrated isolation areas, temporary isolation… to the No. 1 field hospital for isolation and treatment.

In the past 2.5 years, Vietnam’s Government has recorded nearly 40,000 cases of civil servants resigning for reasons identified as low wages and work pressure.

According to the state-controlled media, at the regular Government press conference, when asked by reporters about the state of employees leaving, Deputy Interior Minister Nguyen Duy Thang said that this is a matter of special public interest, especially after it was reported that 9,397 medical staff had quit their jobs in the past 1.5 years.

Thang said that the COVID-19 epidemic in the past two years has put great pressure on the health and education sectors.

In some localities, some cadres, civil servants, and public employees have a difference in income compared to people in the area, so “workers move to other jobs.”

According to a representative of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the two sectors with the largest number of employees leaving and changing jobs in recent years are education with more than 16,000 people and health care with nearly 12,200 people.

Mr. Thang said that on average, every year 15,820 people quit their jobs in the public sector, accounting for about 0.8% of the total assigned payroll. Which, the central government accounts for 18%, the locality 82%; civil servants for more than 4,000 people, and public officials for more than 35,000 people.

The reasons given by Mr. Thang include objective and subjective. The objective reason is due to the development of the market economy with the participation of many economic sectors and the labor export market.

Talking about subjective reasons, Mr. Thang said that the salary policy still faces many difficulties in the public sector, compared with the essential life needs of cadres, civil servants, and public employees. (Translated)