Trinh Xuan Thanh’s abduction raised in the trial of Ho Ngoc Thang’s lawsuit

The April 22, 2121 trial carried out by the Berlin state court had a special feature that the kidnapping of former Vietnamese official Trinh Xuan Thanh was mentioned.

In the defense section, Mr. Johannes Eisenberg, Le Trung Khoa’s lawyer, told the judges that indeed Ho Ngoc Thang possessed an insolence while harassing the German judiciary and journalists with a nonsense lawsuit. He called it “brazen” (shameless).

Ho Ngoc Thang is one of the communicators who “not only not denies but also praise one of the biggest crimes in recent years and occurred near the court, in particular in Tiergarten, Berlin.”

He said that Trinh Xuan Thanh was kidnapped in Berlin and taken to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, “with the support of the government of an EU country” to be returned to Hanoi.

Lawyer Johannes Eisenberg also compared the abduction of Trinh Xuan Thanh to those carried out by East German agents in the past, where they went to West Germany to kidnap refugees from East Germany who fled there. From there, he compared the case of Ho Ngoc Thang:

It was as if someone had justified the abduction of refugees by the Stasi from the Federal Republic of Germany brought back to the German Democratic Republic. “Such a person calling to the German judiciary is brazen (shameless),” said the lawyer.

Not only that, then, in the Judgment of the Court (which rejected all the accusations made by Ho Ngoc Thang) there is also recorded about the kidnapping of Trinh Xuan Thanh, such as the following:

The plaintiff is suspected of performing secret work for the communist regime in Vietnam, the regime that does not hesitate to kidnap refugees in Germany (Trinh Xuan Thanh) with the effective support of agents and informants (in the community), and sent back to Vietnam against his will, and being convicted in Vietnam and justify criminal activities of that regime.”

Thus, thanks to Ho Ngoc Thang, thanks to the lawsuit, there is another valuable document which included the abduction of Trinh Xuan Thanh.

Verdict of the Berlin State Court and the Deutsche Welle (German Wave) article on August 22, 2017, written in English, has been disseminated around the world. (Translated)